Kyoto Gathering 2019

Japan Gathering 2019 (ホームカミング)

“And they shall fear His glory from the rising of the sun; for he will come like a rushing stream, which the wind of the Lord drives.” (Isaiah 59:19)

This is a strategic time for Japan, as the Lord spoke that He will move mightily and swiftly and Japan will see a major breakthrough before the end of 2019.

This Japan Gathering is another step after the Gathering in Jeju, Korea (March 2018). In Jeju, Japanese family have asked if the nations will covenant to walk with Japan and the nations responded with “YES!”. Then the Lord spoke to us that the Japan Gathering had to come after the Aswan Strategic Trip (September 2018) and the Egypt Gathering (October 2018). The Lord promised that in these two Gatherings, He would make the idols tremble, fall and break in His presence.

We now feel the ground has been prepared for this Japan Gathering. All the families of the nations are invited to fulfill their promise to stand together spiritually and physically with our Japanese family.

Gathering Information

Date: March 27-30, 2019
Venue: Kyoto Miyako Messe 3rd Exhibition Hall (3F)
Online Registration: Online Registration is required. Please register early because space is limited. Click here to register for Japan Gathering
Registration Fee: There will be no set registration fee for this Gathering. Instead, we are each encouraged to seek the Lord, asking Him how much He would want us to sow into what He is doing in Japan at this time. Sowing can be done through the offerings collected at the Gathering or via credit-card online. Please click here for sowing details.


March 27th (Wed) 6:30 pm ~ 9:00pm
March 28th (Thu) 9:00 am ~ 12:30 pm & 2:30 pm ~ 4:30 pm; 6:30pm ~ 9:00pm
March 29th (Fri)  9:00 am ~ 12:30 pm & 2:30 pm ~ 4:30 pm; 6:30pm ~ 9:00pm
March 30th (Sat) 9:00 am ~ 12:30 pm

Registration desk opens at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, March 27th.


Kyoto Miyako Messe 3rd Exhibition Hall (3F)
9-1, Okazaki Seishojicho, Sakyo-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 606-8343, Japan
Tel: +81(0)75-762-2630

Please note that there will be paid parking spaces available at the venue but it will be limited, hence public transportation is highly recommended.


There are many ways to get to the Kyoto Miyako Messe. Please refer to the link below.


Fax: +81-(0)75-315-1580 (Kyoto Glory Church)